Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bureaucracy & the Limiting Belief

The tiny buddha was amazed to see how a big fat elephant can be tethered to tree using thin ropes. He ran towards zen master to enquire.

Master, may I ask you a question?, the tiny buddha said.

Yes, master said!!

How can elephant owners can tie big fat elephant with crappiest ropes which even I can break?

This is bureaucracy, master said to tiny buddha!!

It all started in her youth when she was constantly fed with limiting belief, said the master

“In India, when the elephant is young, she is too weak to break the cord. She tries, but eventually she gives up. When the elephant grows up, she does not try to escape her puny bonds because she believes she will fail.”

“So cord is not what is keeping elephant tied, its her mind that is keeping her tied to this rope.”

We all have limiting beliefs of all sorts. We can brag 1001 ways why we can’t do something or why something is not possible. When we are doing this, believe me, we are feeding the devil inside who is constantly telling us that “we can’t ”.

Let’s start taking tiniest of steps, even the half ones are okay, to change our lives, to do something we have always wanted to do, to live life we have always aspired for.  Lets not live the life of a prisoner outside the prison.

"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere" said Voltaire. He said it very rightly, as man is born free but is chained everywhere.

I always wanted to write, as writing and speaking are my greatest passions. But still I waited very long to be able to pen down this article. Actually, I was not waiting, like that elephant I was also tied to a tree with the crappy rope of my limiting belief and self-doubt. I was afraid, how people will react to what I will write? Would I be able to produce an error free piece of article? Can I inspire people? The answer to all these questions was “No” till yesterday when I stopped feeding my inner devils. I realised that I needed to inspire myself first to be able to inspire others. They say it very rightly “Beggars can’t donate.”

Let's not conspire against our potential by helping our inner demons. Let’s stop supporting them.

“So the cord isn't the thing keeping the elephant in place,” said the enlightened tiny buddha smiling.

He squinted at zen master, “That’s very interesting, but what does that have to do with Bureaucracy?”

“Bureaucracy,” said master, “is waiting for a red traffic light in the middle of the night when no one is coming.”

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hello Tao!!


UrbanZen is my sincerest effort to reach out to the world and share my views to raise the collective consciousness of the society thereby increasing my own consciousness.

Tao in Chinese means "Way". So effectively "Tao of Life" means "Way of Life", a collective effort to know a way to live life by raising our consciousness.

Urban Zen focuses to declutter your life. Its the Tao to reduce complexities in our life and make it very simple.

Moreover, its the Tao to be happy in life. Isn't it the purpose of Life? To be really happy?
